If I were to choose four movements which would work all the muscles of major importance of the body, I would choose the Parallel Squat, the Deadlift, the Medium Grip Bench Press and the Medium Grip Bent Over Row. These four movements will force power and muscular growth into just about all the major muscles of your body. However, you must be sure that your set and repetition scheme will work with and not against such a choice of exercises. First of all, you must learn to know when you have had enough. As the late Earl Liederman used to say, "There's a little voice inside you which tells you when you should stop." This is quite true. Remember: you are trying to add to your physical proportions, you are not trying to define them. The amount of sets of each exercise performed will vary naturally with the particular schedule, but your repetition scheme should always remain the same. I personally feel that in order for you to gain muscular bulk you must and should use heavy weights. The heavier the weight gets the slower the repetitions become in performance, and it is this slowness of movement which will work your muscles most severely. That is why I would not advise you to ever use more than five repetitions per set of any exercise movement which you use. This way, by constantly keeping the repetition scheme to five and under, you will be forced to perform each repetition and set with grit, determination and slowness, and it is these factors which will enable ou to gain as hour should in muscular bulk. A proper warmup and a final 'pump' set can be used and these naturally will be of a higher repetition scheme. So remember: stick to basic major muscle building movements and a high set, low repetition scheme, along with a high complete protein and high calorie diet for best results.
The following four routines are ones that I personally have used and they have also aided many an underweight trainee to gain. They will be comprised of the aforementioned four basic exercise movements. The number of days per week and the set and repetition scheme have slight differenced in order for you to be able to go from one type of training schedule without suffering from mental or physical staleness. At the end of each of the four routines are a few remarks concerning the proper performance for the best results.
Routine No. 1.
Monday and Thursday:
a.) Squat - One set of 10 reps, as a warmup, followed by five sets of five reps using all the weight possible for each set.
b.) Deadlift - Same as Squat.
c.) Bench Press - Same as Squat.
d.) Bentover Row - Same as Squat.
This full schedule should be repeated 2 times per week. However, if you want, you could increase it to three times per week, but this is up to your ability to handle work.
Routine No. 2.
a.) Squat - 1x10; 1x8; 1x6; 1x4; 1x2 and then 5 sets of 3-5 reps using all the weight possible.
b.) Bench Press - Same as squat.
a.) Deadlift - same sets and reps as Monday.
b.) Bentover Row - same sets and reps as Monday.
This kind of training routine is more severe and that is why you only do 2 movements per training day. You will be working these 2 movements quite hard and this will cause you to gain.
Routine No. 3.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
a.) Squat - 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps using all the weight possible.
b.) Bench Press - same as Squat.
c.) Deadlift - same as Squat.
d.) Bentover Row - same as Squat.
This would be he ordinary every other day schedule for the ambitious, underweight trainee.
Routine No. 4.
Squat - 1 set of 10 for a warmup, and then 8-10 sets of 3 reps using all the weight you can possibly handle for each set.
b.) Bench Press - 2 sets of 10 for a warmup and then 3 sets of 5 reps using all the weight you can possibly handle.
c.) Bentover Row - 2 sets of 10 for a warmup and then 3 sets of 5 reps using all the weight you can possibly handle.
a.) Deadlift - 1 set of 10 for a warmup, and then 8-10 sets of 3 reps using all the weight you can possibly handle for each set.
b.) Bench Press - 2 sets of 10 reps, and then 3 sets of 5 reps using all the weight you can possibly handle.
c.) Bentover Row - 2 sets of 10 reps, and then 3 sets of 5 reps using all the weight you can possibly handle.
This type of routine would enable you to concentrate on one movement per workout for power and the other two for added muscular bulk. However, you will positively have to be sure to eat enough of the complete protein foods and get more than enough calories in order to grow.
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