Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Squat Snatch - David Martin

Happy New Year!

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Steve Reeves, John Grimek

The Squat Snatch
by David Martin (1953)

While on the subject of improving British lifting performances I would like to point out that for a variety of reasons my own lifts are not particularly good, and also impress on readers that mere “know-how” will not help them lift much more weight. It is on this point of “basic strength” that I agree with both Charles Coster, but disagree with him on the matter of the “trainability” of Strength being easier than that of Technique. Starting off as a 7 ½ stone weakling with as bad a set of reflexes as one could have, I have found that neither technique nor basic strength can be trained for “easily.”

This does not mean that either are impossible of attainment or improvement, but I do think that there are limits for certain people who, like myself, start off low down the scale. Further, I also believe that in spite of my own mediocre ability I am still in possession of enough “know-how” to help others. Only, however, if they apply the information given them and understand it thoroughly.

I don’t know if any of you boys have heard of G. I. Gurdjieff but he was a pre-revolution combination of Frank Buchman and Bernard Shaw. He was smart enough to move to Paris where they had more time and patience with what some may call “cranks of that sort” – however, I only mention him because of a statement he makes in the preface to one of his books.
Here it is:

“I want you to read this book
Three Times.
The first time – as you read your
The second time look at the Words.
The third time look at the Meaning
of the Words.”

Which sounds a bit of a cheek but that’s the way most philosophers treat their disciples. Now Larry Barnholt’s book on the Squat Snatch says the same thing more politely – it just says, “read this book over and over again.” I have done so and feel that the Barnholt boys who know their stuff may have overestimated their readers. Therefore, I am taking the liberty in this article of expanding their instructions slightly for the benefit of those who cannot read between the lines.

Before going into technicalities, however small, I must urge all my readers to try the Squat Snatch and to try it seriously for a while, because once the growing pains are over you might find that you can lift more in this manner than in the conventional split style.

However, once you have decided on the style you are going to use, you should not “fiddle about” for one reason, and that is that the secret of lifting technique is to cultivate good lifting habits. Your feet, hands and body must move without thought, automatically – it is therefore important to go through one set of motions as often as possible to build up habit grooves.

Now, about the precise interpretation of the Squat Snatch movements.

First, about the loosening of the shoulders. I was surprised to note that the Barnholt Brothers never used the word “dislocation” once. Yet the ability to take a barbell right overhead and down the back without bending the elbows is perhaps best demonstrated in another medium by the “dislocation” on the rings. If you can get a pair of Roman Rings to play on, by all means try the “Flying Dislocation” as well as the usual exercise of taking a broomstick with straight arms overhead and down behind the back.

Go easy with dislocation exercises as the deltoid muscle and shoulder structure are among the easiest to strain and the hardest to treat and heal.

The second point about the Squat Snatch which beginners are inclined to overlook is the immediate recovery. Perhaps the many photographs of Dave Sheppard and Pete George snapped at the lowest point of the Squat Snatch have helped us to think that this position is held for a long time. They certainly look “set for life” down there, but the Barnholts are quite definite about the “bounce up” and it will be quite obvious once you think of it that you can bounce up with much more than you could slowly rise with.

So, there are two points I am underlining for the Squat Snatcher:

1) Learn to be able to dislocate the shoulders forwards and backwards with ease.
2) Learn to bounce up from the full squat speedily and safely.

Now, for the third and last point – the Jump down to the Squat. This is precisely what happens – You do NOT “squat down.”

Let us take the split style first. Once the weight has reached eye-level, you “fling” the feet fore and aft, flexing the front knee as far as possible. By reason of the fact that the forward leg has a greater freedom of movement than the rear leg, this means that as you descend the rear foot will touch the floor first. This should throw the body slightly forward under the weight – repeating the action of the Egyptian Camel Step but doing this much snappier as the body is falling freely. At the same time as the legs are flung fore and aft, the arms are pushed upwards vigorously, which should accelerate the downward thrust of the body and cause the feet to slam on the floor.

Now, when Squat Snatching, there is no thrust from the rear leg, therefore the body has to come forward and the feet must jump forward in order to be in a position to balance the weight.

So, in the Squat Snatch as the weight passes eye-level, the head is poked out through the arms and the knees are both curled up to the chest while the seat is thrust well back. The arms are thrust vigorously upward against the weight which in turn shoves the body down against the knees. The body now in the full squat position, but slightly clear of the floor, should slam down on the feet and the chest, recoiling off the knees, should start the weight on its upward journey on locked arms.

I think a little free-jumping to “slam down” in the squat position without any weight should be tried just to give you the feeling and the balanced recoil that is necessary.

However, I repeat, once you have found that one or the other styles suit you, do not swap about any further.

Incidentally, while watching Jumping Jim Halliday breaking the record in the One Hand Snatch, I realized that his claim to be able to snatch in the Squat position as easily as in the Split was well justified. The position in which he finished his one hand snatches was similar to that of the best Squatters except, of course, for the half sideways twist that was necessary to hold the weight overhead with one hand.

As I said earlier, I came into this world from physically less than perfect parents, which brings us to what the late Czech Jan Masaryk would say when asked the reason for his success –
“I had the good sense to pick the President of Czechoslovakia to be my father.”

Train hard to improve your lot.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

High Pulls And Shrugs

All serious strength athletes include at least one dynamic pulling exercise in their routines. They understand that by handling heavy weights in an explosive fashion, they build much stronger and more functional muscles. Of course, some sports require more powerful back, hip, leg and shoulder muscles than others. Those who participate in contact sports absolutely must prepare their entire bodies for stress on the playing field, and Olympic-style weightlifting is all about developing the muscles and attachments used in pulling big numbers in the snatch and clean.

If you do power cleans, power snatches, full cleans and full snatches, you have to be aggressive in the final segment of the pulling section of the pull. The bar needs to jump at the conclusion of the pull. If it doesn’t, you won’t have sufficient time to rack the bar on your shoulders in the full or power clean, or lock it out solidly in the full or power snatch. Those lifts all have to be pulled to a certain height with a strong finish. While height is certainly critical, so is the velocity of the bar at the very top.

Naturally, lots of other factors are involved in the execution of a heavy clean or snatch, either power or full – body positioning during the movement, timing, coordination and the ability to move under the weight quickly. Bottom line: If you don’t pull the bar high enough and it doesn’t leap at the top, your odds of making that lift at max weight aren’t good.

When I competed in Olympic lifting on the East Coast, a team from an unnamed gym in a major city would often show up. They were all extremely strong and always did especially well in the press. They thrived on brute strength and took big leads into the snatch. Even though they were stronger than the majority of their competitors, they didn’t do well in either the snatch or clean. It wasn’t because of poor body mechanics, foot speed or timing. Rather, none of them had any pop at the finish. The bar would be pulled plenty high – sometimes much higher than necessary in order to make the lift – but it seemed to be moving in slow motion. So no matter how fast they tried to move under the bar, they were never fast enough. The weight would drop like an angry guillotine, leaving them crumpled into frustrated rag dolls on the platform.

In contrast, a number of lifters didn’t appear to be pulling the bar high enough to succeed with their snatches or cleans, but they did because they provided such a powerful finish that they had ample time to set themselves under the bar. Bob Bednarski had such a strong final pull in the clean that the bar always crashed down on him in the bottom position. Most coaches don’t want that, since the descending bar frequently rebounds out of the rack. Yet Barski developed his technique around the falling bar. He would get extremely tight in the bottom and be ready for the weight when it arrived. In my mind, it’s better to overpull a weight than to underpull it.

That’s why I want to concentrate on improving the top pull – not just to make it higher but also to add some pop at the top. I should mention that the exercises I’m recommending to help develop a more explosive finish are beneficial to anyone interested in improving overall strength, even if you’re not interested in doing any version of cleans or snatches. They will build powerful upper back muscles and attachments, which are extremely useful in any athletic endeavor, competitive or recreational – indeed, any physical activity, such as planting a garden, changing a tire or mowing the lawn.

A strong upper back helps stabilize the shoulder girdle and enables you to do a wide range of exercises that involve those muscle groups. Having a sturdy set of traps that climb high up the back of your neck is an invaluable asset. Many lives and spines have been saved by extra powerful upper backs, which means the exercises are beneficial even if you’re not interested in Olympic lifting or planning to participate in a sports activity.

In many instances athletes aren’t applying a snappy finish to their snatches or cleans simply because the muscles and corresponding attachments responsible for the action aren’t yet developed to the extent that they can provide the necessary power at the end of the pull. That’s the case for beginners, who are trying their best to make the bar jump at the top. It’s just that their traps aren’t yet ready. They will be over time, though, and the emphasis should be on pulling every single rep as high as possible.

In most cases the lack of a strong finish comes down to improper technique, such as cutting the pull way too early. As a result, muscle groups that make the bar climb higher aren’t brought into play. It happens when you key to move under the bar too soon. You might believe you’re pulling plenty long, but you’re not. Those who train alone or don’t have the benefit of a coach fall into that trap.

Which was exactly what I was doing prior to moving to York. While I really thought I was pulling to full extension on my snatches, it turned out I wasn’t. Since I was the coach at the Marion YMCA, none of the other lifters picked up on my form flaw. Tommy Suggs and Barski noticed it immediately, though. After I learned to key a fraction higher than I’d been doing, my snatches started to improve. It was a mistake in technique rather than a lack of strength. The trap strength was there; I just wasn’t using it.

Whenever I see an athlete cutting his pull or not getting much of a pop at the finish, I start him on high pulls. He does both snatch and clean high pulls because each version works the various back muscles a bit differently. When done correctly, high pulls enable you to feel the pulling movement with heavy weights more than full cleans or snatches. While the exercise is dynamic, you do the first and second phases relatively slowly. That lets you learn proper mechanics more easily than a faster lift does.

Proper mechanics will teach you the right line of pull, sequence and extension so that the final portion of your lift will be explosive. The bar must stay close to your body from start to finish. If it strays too far out front, you won’t have the leverage to apply the necessary force at the end to make it climb higher. So the bar starts against your shins, glides up your legs, brushes your abs and ends up touching your chest.

There’s a tendency to lower your chest to meet the bar once the weights get demanding. Don’t do that. Instead, extend your chest upward at the finish. At the conclusion of the high pull you should be up on your toes with your body in a vertical position and your elbows up and out – not down and back. Once your elbows turn backward you’re no longer able to provide upward thrust with your traps. All you have left is momentum, and that’s not always sufficient to complete a snatch or clean. Remember, the longer you can keep your elbows up, the better – largely a matter of practice. Many get into the habit of letting their elbows turn backward way too soon, and they have to concentrate on making the change.

Sequence is critical to pulling weights really high and is perhaps the most troublesome aspect of high pulling. Keep in mind that a high pull is no more than a deadlift followed by a shrug. The transition between the two moves, however, has to be done smoothly. There can’t be any hitching or hesitation. It’s one long, continuous, fluid motion. The bar comes off the floor slowly, picks up speed through the middle and becomes a soaring image at the top.

The hardest part of the sequence to master is waiting until you’ve fully contracted your traps before bending your arms. When you bend your arms too early, your traps can’t contract nearly as well, and that negatively affects the finish. Keep your elbows locked, and once the bar passes your belly button, jam your traps up forcefully, instantly bending your arms afterward. When the sequence is coordinated perfectly, the bar will jump and provide you with a strong finish. Even when you feel the bar leap upward, continue to put pressure on it. That will cause it to climb higher.

Another common mistake is to let your back round during high pulls. That takes you out of the optimum pulling position and will hurt your finish. To help maintain a flat back, lock your shoulder blades together. If you do that yet still end up rounding, use less weight. It’s more productive to do your sets using correct form than to knock out some with heavy weights using sloppy technique.

Just where you set your hips prior to initiating the pull isn’t that important, but it’s crucial that they elevate at the same rate as the bar. When they come up faster than the bar, you move out of the proper position for a strong top pull.

From the very first rep on the high pull, pull the bar as high as you possibly can. On the first couple of warmup sets the bar may climb over your head. Good. That’s what you want. Once you get the long pulling pattern ingrained in your head, you’ll be much better able to extend up after the weights get heavy.

By the way, use straps when doing high pulls. They’ll let you concentrate on your technique and not worry about holding onto the bar. They’ll also help you handle more weight, which translates to greater strength. Seat belts from the rear seat of old cars make long-lasting straps. Run through the wash a half dozen times to soften them, and they’ll last forever. Well, almost.

I’ve found that most lifters can pull a bit higher than they think they can if they have a tangible goal to shoot for. When they don’t get feedback, athletes believe they’re putting out 100 percent, but there’s still room for improvement. I hold out a stick a few inches higher than where they pulled the last rep and tell them to keep extending until they hit the stick. It usually takes them a few attempts to figure out how they can gain those extra inches, but they always do. Tapping that stick has a Pavlovian effect. The sound of hitting the stick is an instant reward. I continue to elevate the stick as long as they keep hitting it. Quite often, they end up pulling the final reps six or eight inches higher than they did the first couple. Once they get the feel of full extension, they can use it on all of their other pulling exercises.

I usually alternate snatch and clean high pulls in the program for the sake of variety. As I mentioned, the two versions work the back somewhat differently, and by doing them both, you achieve more complete development. You can do high pulls right behind another pulling exercise, such as power snatches or power cleans, or as the primary back exercise for that day. When you do them in conjunction with another exercise, do only 3 sets of 3, and then slowly add to those when you’re able to recover from that amount of workload.

If you decide to do high pulls only, use this formula: 2 sets of 5 followed by 3 to 4 sets of 3. You can either work up to one max set or select a poundage that’s tough yet still enables you to maintain correct form and knock out 2 or 3 sets. How much weight to use? As a rule of thumb, 75 lbs. over your best power clean for clean high pulls, and the same weight for power snatches and snatch high pulls. You may not be able to handle that much in the beginning. That’s fine. As your form improves on the high pulls, so will the numbers. Remember, technique is more important than the weight you use. When the bar starts dragging up your body and resembles a limit deadlift, lower the resistance.

While a steady diet of high pulls will improve the top pull, at some point you need to overload your upper back even more.

Enter shrugs done with a snatch and clean grip (plus straps, of course). They build great upper back strength because so much more weight can be handled than in the high pulls. Athletes who use 350 in the clean high pull will have no trouble shrugging 500 for reps.

I realize that some coaches teach their athletes to shrug with locked elbows. I don’t. I want the shrug to duplicate the final motion of the clean and snatch where the arms play a significant role. Bending the arms at the end of a shrug strengthens a lot more muscles and attachments, and in my mind that’s a good thing. Besides, the arms certainly bend at the finish of a snatch or clean, so why not in the shrug?

And since I’m seeking height, it only makes sense to utilize the arms at the finish. A strong arm contraction right behind the traps jamming upward will cause the bar to leap upward. Several of my athletes who used the straight-arm method of shrugging tried it with a violent bending of their arms at the top. At the following workout they reported that their traps and arms got sore to the touch. Soreness is the strength athlete’s best friend.

Until you’re comfortable with the form on shrugs, stay inside a power rack. After each rep lower the bar to the pins in a controlled manner, and take a brief moment to make certain that all your body mechanics are correct: bar tucked in tight against your legs, front deltoids out in front of the bar, back locked and flat. If the holes in our power rack let you, start the shrugs at midthigh. That will let your hips elevate the bar from the pins before transferring the action to your back and arms. Set the bar too low, an the start will be awkward, causing your back to round. Set it too high, and you won’t have the benefit of your hips.

Your first thought should be to push your feet down through the floor or rack platform. That will ensure that you start with a solid base. Any muscle group that relaxes the slightest bit during the lift will severely affect the height of the pull. So you need to keep your entire body so tight that you’re almost cramping. Use your hips and legs to provide the initial thrust, and then bring that power into the bar up through your back, shoulders and arms. Attempt to pull every rep higher and higher. You can use the stick trick to help obtain your goal or set a pin looses at a height you want to hit. Don’t make the mistake of locking in a top pin, though, or you’ll end up jarring your eyeteeth loose. Remember, every inch higher you shrug the weight, the greater the strength gains.

In order for clean or snatch shrugs to be beneficial, you must pull in the same line s you clean, snatch or high pull. If you pull back too far or glide the bar up the rack railings, you’re defeating the purpose of the exercise.

After you have the form down pat, alternate shrugging inside the rack with the same move outside the rack. Those moves are more difficult. I call them Hawaiian shrugs because for two years at the University of Hawaii we didn’t have a power rack. The athletes took the bar off pins from the rear of the squat rack and shrugged. Action outside the rack requires so much more control and a more precise line that when it’s done inside the rack. If you let the bar crash downward, it will proceed to the floor. Pull back or forward, and you’ll lose your balance and end up dumping the weight.

Since Hawaiian shrugs are so demanding, you use less weight, and I sometimes lower the reps from 5 to 3. The dynamic action at the top is what you’re after. Some only like to shrug outside the rack once a month. That’s fine, just so you do it occasionally. The two forms of shrugging complement each other nicely. 5 sets of 5 reps are what I recommend for any type of shrugging.

Lastly, you can use pure isometrics or isotonic-isometrics to strengthen the muscles and attachments used in the top pull. For the clean, set the bar midway between your belly button and breastbone. Place the higher pins as close to the lower ones as your rack permits. Strap on, climb up on your toes with your body vertical, extend your elbows up and out, elevate the bar against the pins smoothly, lock it in and hold for a maximum contraction for 8 to 12 seconds. That’s the isotonic-isometric procedure. In pure isometrics the bar doesn’t move at all. Both work, although I believe the isotonic-isometrics are more productive.

To improve strength in the tip of the snatch, you can proceed in two ways. The first is just to copy what you do on the clean. Set the lower pins above the base of your breastbone, right at your nipples (higher if you can manage), and do an isotonic-isometric hold. One set held for 8 to 12 seconds will do the job. It’s very concentrated work.

The other way to strengthen the muscles involved in the top of the snatch pull is to set the bar in that same high position described, but instead of locking it up against another set of pins, hold it off the pins for an 8 to 12 count. That’s a static hold and as tough or tougher than the isotonic-isometric contraction.

Very quickly you’ll understand the importance of keeping your elbows up and out and extending high on your toes. Once your elbows start turning back and down, the bar will fall to the pins. The same goes for your calves. When they give out, you can’t extend enough to keep the bar off the pins. It’s a terrific exercise for helping you feel where your body needs to be at the apex of the snatch pull. It’s also one of the few exercises that hit the rear deltoid directly. They’re difficult to strengthen, and you’ll become aware of them contracting while you hold the bar off the pins or lock it up against the higher pins.

Be warned: You’re not going to be able to use very much weight in either of the exercises for the snatch top pull. Typically, most handle 100 pounds less than they can snatch or 50 pounds lower than what they power-snatch. In the beginning the disparity may be even wider. One of the great things about strength training is that it doesn’t matter in the least how much you use when you start doing a new exercise. It’s how much you progress over the ensuing weeks and months. Increase either or both of these exercises by 15 or 20 pounds, and your newly acquired strength will convert directly to all your snatching movements.

You can do isos or static holds several times a week. It’s best not to do them on the same day you high pull or shrug. Do them at the end of your workout. If a power rack is available, slip in a set of clean and snatch isos on your nontraining days. When it comes to pulling for the snatch or the clean, the sky’s the limit.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Weightlifting 4000 Years Ago - Irving Ray Clark

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Weightlifting Nearly 4000 Years Ago
By Irving Ray Clark

The value of halteres in training muscles for other exercises was recognized by the Romans, for in the medical writings of the 2nd Century A.D. “halter throwing” had developed into a regular system of dumbell exercises. Antyllos describes three kinds of halter training – bending and straightening the arms, the lunging, and bending and straightening the trunk, and Galen describes an exercise for the side muscles.

In a treatise on the Preservation of Health by Galen, one of the most famous Physicians of antiquity, there is a lengthy discourse on exercises suited to youths between 14 and 20 in which exercises for the legs, arms and trunk are separated. He further classified exercises into those for toning the muscles without violent movement, quick exercises which promoted activity, and violent exercises. In the first class he included carrying heavy weights and exercises for duo-resistance, and his quick exercises come into the category of violent when performed with halters.

The word “halters” was also probably applied to much weightier dumbells and the like. Martial, a poet and writer of epigrams (A.D. 40-104) asked: “Why do the strong men labor with their stupid dumbells” A far better task for men is digging a vine trench,” a sentiment to which the folks of that day with their unbounded facilities of open air exercises presumably subscribed. However, in modern days one cannot indiscriminately open a trench (vine or otherwise) when one has the urge for exercise, so the stupidity of which the poet speaks is perhaps not quite so apparent in those who still “labor” with their dumbells.

Weightlifting was not confined to Greece either. It was also practiced in ancient Egypt, according to Gardiner, who shows a drawing of an athlete lifting a huge tapering weight in the style known to us as the swing.

Weightlifting in a form presumably resembling what we practice today is traceable back in the country at least 400 years, but before referring to this ancient “heavy bar lifting” it is necessary, in order to place it in its proper perspective, to examine its connection with heavy athletics. Fundamentally all gymnastics or sport-gymnastics (such as weightlifting now is) spring from Athletics, using that word in the ancient Grecian sense of fundamental movements: running, leaping throwing, etc.

In this field we can go back even further than the traceable reference to Athletics among the ancient Greeks, for it is believed that the Irish (Tailtin) Games held as far back as 1829 B.C., no less than 3,679 years ago as I write, included weight-throwing under the name of “rotheleas” or the “wheel feat.”

Then, according to Strutt’s “Sports and Pastimes of the People of England” (Edition of 1831) “Throwing of heavy weights and stones with the hands was much practiced in former times and as this pastime required great strength and muscular exertion, it was a very popular exercise for military men.”

In Montague Sherman’s review of the history of Athletic Sports (The Badminton Library) competitions in running, jumping and hurling of heavy weights are said to be one of the chief characteristics of both town and country life in England as far back as chronicles will reach. For example, young Londoners in the reign of Henry II (1154-1189) cast the stone amongst other exercises practiced in open spaces set apart for them.

In Scotland we learn from “Sports and Pastimes of Scotland” (Fittis, 1891) that putting the stone, tossing the caber and throwing the hammer are among the oldest of the Highland Games. In former times it appeared to have been the custom in Scotland to have a putting stone lying at the gate of every chieftain’s house and on the arrival of a stranger he was asked as a compliment to throw.

Another Scotch feat was to raise a stone of at least 200 lbs. weight from the ground and deposit it on top of another four feet high, and when a “stripling” could accomplish this he was thereupon deemed a man and allowed to wear a bonnet.

Strutt goes on to say that “casting of the bar is frequently mentioned by the ‘romance writers’ as one part of a hero’s education,” and a poet of the 16th Century thought it highly commendable, even for Kings and Princes by way of exercise to “caste by violence the stone, barre or plummett.”

In Medieval Times

Henry VIII (1509-1548) after his succession to the throne, according to Hall and Holinshead, retained “the casting of the barre” amongst his many and varied amusements. This sport had not always been in Royal favor, as the Kings of England were afraid that the practice of Archery might fall into disuse, and we find Edward III (1327-1377) prohibiting, among other things, weight putting or throwing the stone, by proclamation, although even after the accession of Edward II (1307-1327) to the throne, the later’s daily amusements had included such form of exercise.

Such weightlifting as there is in the form of small dumbell work was also known in early times in this country. John Northbrook, in a treatise against Diceing, Dancing, etc. written in the time of Queen Elizabeth (1588-1603) advised young men by way of amusement to “labour with poyses’ of leadde or other metall” which consisted “in brandishing of two sticks grasped in each hand and laden with plugs of leadde at either end” which pastime “opened the chest, exercised the limbs and gave a man all the pleasure of boxing without the blows.”

The first traceable mention of weightlifting or straightforward barbell work in England appears in “The bake named The Governour” (the book entitled “The Governor”) published by Sir Thomas Elyot, in the year 1531, relating to the education suitable for a gentleman’s son who prepared to serve the Commonwealth. Under the head of “sondry fourmes of exercise necessary for every gentleman” and “Touching such exercises, as many be used within the house” appears “Liftynge . . . the heavy . . . barre . . .” thereafter lost for some considerable time, but might not one assume that, as with “pitching the barre” (Stowe’s Survey of London, 1720), it became one of the diversions of the “lower classes” only, including the pleasurable reactions usually associated with the latter pastime it feel into disuse, shorn of the patronage which has always been such a feature of popular English sports and games!

It has, however, seriously occurred to me that for centuries a certain amount of “class distinction” appeared to have entered into sports and athletics in this country, and that this even now this may be reflected in our comparatively poor showing in the Heavy Athletics field, including Field events and Heavyweight Boxing and Wrestling. In other words, the more “manual” types of physical endeavor have never been fully catered for or fostered and in one glaring instance, Rowing, definite and deliberate rules were laid down forbidding manual workers to compete in certain events.

An interesting theory, and I content myself here by showing one or two examples. According to Strutt, James I (1603-1625), addressing his oldest son, declared that whilst bodily exercises and games were very commendable, he debarred all rough and violent exercises at his court. In Poachman’s “Complete Gentleman” (1622), throwing the hammer and wrestling were held “not so good.” In “Hereward the Wake” one of the characters is reprimanded for consorting with athletes of that type.

Generally, Lindhard (“Theory of Gymnastics) points out that up to the beginning of the 19th Century athletics were always the privilege of a chosen few, of the patrician of antiquity of the Middle Ages and the upper classes of the age of enlightenment.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Confidence - W.A. Pullum

Figures 1, 2, 3.
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Fig 4

Fig 5

Confidence is Half the Battle
By W.A. Pullum

Confidence, ‘tis said, is half the battle, and as this relates to supreme achievements at weightlifting, certainly this is so. To expect to do a thing, whatever it may be, sets to work the powers which make it possible under the best conditions. Frees them from the shackling handicap of half-hearted endeavour, brought about by fears of hesitating uncertainty – products of an indecisive outlook!

Confidence to the extent of expecting success in the performance of a weightlifting feat is built, in the first place – or it should be – on factual knowledge subconsciously operating; knowledge that all bodily positions going to be assumed are automatically dependable. It then proceeds from belief – a state of mind arising from appreciation of apparent physical powers possessed at that moment, computed from the “feel” of the weight. Assuming technique dependable, this is the deciding factor. If the weight feels “liftable” it CAN be lifted. That is a factual presumption!

As we are dealing now with matters of the mind, it is instructive to remark that all the greatest champions and record breakers that I have known, were (or are) men who never allowed themselves to be hypnotized by poundages; that is to say, to be intimidated by the figures of the weight. The only thing that influenced them was how it felt, according to their powers of the time. Because of that, they seldom attempted feats which were beyond the bounds of possibility. For the really great champion lifter is not prone to kid himself. At least, not when “on the job.”

Confidence – A Valuable Possession

Confidence has several aspects which are worthy of study. It not only manifests itself in the form of competent self-assurance, as this may be displayed in connection with the essay of some great weightlifting feat. Determination eventually to succeed with that feat, when it is first envisaged, can build itself on an innate belief that the feat is ultimately possible. Confidence can also be the feeding force all the time responsible for the sustainment of staminal morale. And without question, it plays a great part in the establishment of that particular faculty which I have dealt with in the past – the sense of balance!

Confidence, in all its aspects, is a valuable possession, as by its use great achievements become possible in all walks of lift. And no man has a better opportunity to develop this faculty within himself than the thoughtfully reasoning weightlifter. As many men have discovered to their advantage – not confined to champions at that! This psychological byproduct of its practice is one of the things which makes the Iron Game such a fascinating pursuit.

The first of the five pictures illustrating this article is an example of how one thoughtfully reasoning weightlifter successfully creates confidence within himself for an attempt on something which otherwise would little or no confidence backing the effort. It is a photograph of Jim Halliday about to essay a Press – a lift on which he does not shine because of structural handicaps. Study his position and general bearing, and it will be seen by anyone who understands these things that they represent confidence personified. That is because Jim has positively “willed” himself to a confident outlook, and the position he has taken up not only depicts this, but, as he knows – no one better – will assist him as far as this is possible.

Just as it is very difficult for some great actors to be really anything but themselves, no matter how they are cast – their individual personalities being so strong, their various idiosyncrasies so marked – so it is equally difficult for an experienced lifter to manufacture a belief that his powers are greater than they would seem to be, and confidently proceed on that assumption. Determination may impel him to try to make the superior essay, emotional stress (by its excitation of the nervous system) may temporarily supply the additional force and drive to make it possible. But it won’t proceed from possibility to certainty unless a supremely confident belief is held in mind that the latter IS GOING TO BE SO!

Study Jim’s Methods

Halliday has done such astonishing things in weightlifting – under the most adverse conditions possible to conceive – that an examination of his methods (so far as these can be legitimately be disclosed) is evidently well worth while. One has only to remember the base from which he restarted lifting after the war – 3 ½ years in a Japanese prison camp – to appreciate that these methods must be worthy of study, considering what they have since done for him, not only in the lifting sphere but the bodybuilding one also.

Jim is a great believer in the practice of special “assistance exercises” for everything that comes within the orbit of his activities; that particular type of exercise which I designed and so named in 40 years ago or more (-1910). It would therefore be very strange if one found that in his curriculum there were not some included for the promotion of the confidence factor.

Regular practice – when he IS able to practice, that is – of the position shown in Fig. 1, allied with the state of mind discussed, is one of them. So is the movement shown proceeding in Fig. 2, which is the “high pull in” (clean) without split, the bell being fixed at the chest with only a slight “give” at the knees as the heels come back to the ground. Jim has reached a very high poundage in this exercise, and it is this exercise, as much as anything else, which has made him so confident and powerful a performer on the heaviest of the Olympic three.

Jim has another favorite for developing confidence, which is all his own. This is his commendable penchant for correctly lowering weights which he has jerked overhead, first to the chest, then to the ground. Fig. 4 shows the bell just having been “turned off” the chest (note its height from the ground and the distinguishing angle of the arms). Fig 5 showing what invariably happens when he releases hold of the bell after it has been lowered in this special way – the agile recoil action which has caused him to be alliteratively called “Jumping Jim”.

Fig 3 shows him performing another confidence developing movement, a “crossed hands” Snatch, first shown in this country by Hermann Goerner, the 17 stone, 7 pound German strongman who was placed in my hands for management by Tromp van Diggelen, who had made his acquaintance in South Africa. The weight of the bell Jim is using in the photograph is 150 lbs. He is capable, however, of more that – for he has the confidence, as well as the strength required!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Squat Variation

Most lifters want to make continuous progress and move their top-end numbers up on a regular basis. Change is an excellent method of achieving these goals. Changing a routine, even slightly, can instill enthusiasm for your workouts, and anything that helps you look forward to your next session in the weight room is a positive thing.

Some people get along just fine doing the same routine for a long time. Jerry Hardy and I coached together at the University of Hawaii. When he returned to California he installed a gym in his garage and asked me for a program. He wanted to train six days a week. I sent him a routine and he followed it exactly for nearly 20 years, and was more than content to do so. There’s something comforting in doing the familiar exercises in the same order, sort of like spending time with an old friend.

Now, Jerry’s goal was to maintain a reasonably high level of strength fitness. He also ran two miles every morning after he completed his weight training. He wasn’t lifting to prepare himself for any sport, and he wasn’t interested in testing himself with max attempts, so the consistent routine fit his needs.

Most of the inquiries I receive deal with the squat. The writers tell me either that they’re bogged down and not making any progress or that they have lost their zest for doing squats. My reply is always the same – try something different for a time. Quite often a variation in squatting technique or a change in sets and reps of the time spent doing the exercise is just what the doctor ordered. In many instances the trainees write back to tell me they’re using the suggested changes on a permanent basis because they brought the desired results.

I’ve found that it’s also helpful, motivation-wise, to change from the conventional set and rep sequence every so often, even if you’re doing well with your current routine. Subtle changes enable you to establish a more solid foundation and help you strengthen a weaker area that may have gone unnoticed, such as the adductors.

One variation is the 20-rep squat routine. Since that program has been discussed in many articles an books, I won’t spend time going over it, other than to say that it does get the job done, primarily because 20-rep squats are extremely demanding. As Iron Man founder Peary Rader aptly pointed out may decades ago, they can trigger growth in people who have difficulty adding functional bodyweight and overall strength.

A few years ago I received a request to write a chapter for a book that has yet to be published. My topic was “The Hardest Routine I Ever Did.” The thought that immediately crossed my mind was TIMED SQUATS. They were, without question, the most physically and mentally demanding routine I ever got involved in, and they came about as an experiment. The competitive season was over, and Tommy Suggs and I were trying to improve our aerobic base, since that was an important attribute to have during long, drawn-out lifting contests. We played racquetball, volleyball and some soccer but got the notion that we could accomplish something on the same order in the weight room. In 1968 all the authorities on the subject said it wasn’t possible. We believed differently.

We chose the squat because it was the most taxing on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and because we could still do high reps, even if we were fatigued. At that time we were both capable of a 500 lb. back squat and were handling in the mid-400s for five reps. Our form was good, which is an important consideration. I never put trainees on this grueling regimen unless they have perfect technique. The reason will soon become obvious.

The routine consisted of 5 sets of 10. The kicker was that on each subsequent workout we increased the weights on the 5 sets. We went through a trial workout, moving fast but not full-bore, and decided that we should be able to finish with 275 and do the 5 sets in 12 minutes.

We did these at our noon session, and it was all we did at that time. Later, at four o’clock, we would do our other work. After taking ample time to make sure we were thoroughly warmed up, we started in, keeping track of how long it took us to do a set from the moment we took the bar out of the rack to the moment we reracked it, as well as our resting time and weight on the bar. Out sets for that first session were 135, 175, 205, 155 and 275 for 10 reps each. That may not seem like much for mid-400 squatters, but we rarely did more than 5 reps. 10 rep sets were very high for us. Plus, we were conservative to make sure we made it through.

We completed all out sets in 10 minutes, then collapsed to the floor. Our plan was to check out pulse rates, but we were unable to do that until about 15 seconds had passed. Both over 180, which was all right for our age group. When we finally recovered, we concluded that we were on the right track and would continue with the timed squats. we did agree that twice a week was enough for them. Any more and they’d hurt our other training – and having to consider doing them more than twice a week was too much for us to handle, as they weren’t fun. In addition, we only planned to do them for a month. After that we would have to start handling heavier poundages in preparation for the upcoming season.

At the 8th session, our last, we used 355x10 on our final set and completed all 5 sets in 7 minutes. It was an increase of 80 lbs. on the bar, but more importantly we had cut 3 minutes off our time. We felt that was as far as we could go, as there was only so much time we could eliminate due to the necessity of reloading the bar after the sets, coming out of the rack, doing the reps and replacing the bar. Of course, as the weights got heavier and we became increasingly fatigued, it took longer to do a set.

While I’m sure the timed squats had a positive influence on our aerobic conditioning, the unexpected plus from doing the routine was the way it affected our mental states. Prior to embarking on this program, we always took five or more minutes between our heavy sets. Timed squats taught us that we didn’t need much rest. On those final two heavier sets of timed squat I was unable to feel my legs, and tiny spots would appear in front of my eyes, yet I still went up and down – as did Tommy. At the conclusion we flopped to the floor, elevated our feet on a bench and gulped in air, marveling at our madness. Even so, we agreed that we hadn’t tapped into our reservoir of strength like that before, and that understanding of what the body can withstand under dire stress gave us a tremendous boost of confidence on the lifting platform. If we got rushed between attempts, it no longer mattered. It also helped us move through our regular sessions at a much faster pace, which enabled us to do more work in less time.

I’ve put a number of athletes on this routine, and it’s proven to be especially useful to those engaged in endurance activities, such as long-distance runners, triathletes and mountain bikers. Very few pure-strength athletes I’ve put on timed squats could handle them, regardless of the amount of weight on the bar. They’ve simply given out or tightened up. Anyone who’s using any tissue-building substance cannot do them either. When Tommy and I did this program, we were off steroids. This was during the infancy of drug use in weightlifting, and we took long periods of abstinence, got liver-function tests and were checked by a physician.

One strength athlete who was able to do timed squats really blew my mind because he far surpassed anyone I’ve ever trained before – or since. Werner Krueger of Columbia, Maryland, was an All-American lacrosse midfielder at Johns Hopkins and one of my favorites. Unlike many of the other lacrosse players he never shirked the hard stuff I gave him. In fact, he invited it. Just before the season started, he asked if I had anything in my repertoire to help him improve his aerobic base. What else but timed squats? He breezed through the first session and wasn’t all that winded when he finished. Werner, whom I nicknamed “Possum,” for no reason other than my warped mind came up with it, only weighed 170, but I started squeezing the time and loading more weight on his final sets. To my utter amazement, he used 295x10 at his last session and did all his sets in less than 6 minutes. I really didn’t think it was possible to do 5 sets that quickly. In addition, he ran four miles before coming to the weight room.

It’s a good idea to have someone around to do the loading and unloading. That will save you valuable time and energy. No more than two people can do timed squats at the same time. Otherwise, you’ll too much of a delay between sets. I wouldn’t even think about doing these unless you’re very fit and can endure pain. In short, they’re not for the timid. On the other hand, if you’ve been doing the 20-rep program for a while and would like a change, these might fit into your schedule very nicely for a month of more.

A variation of the conventional squat that I use with a great deal of success is the PAUSE SQUAT. It’s especially useful for people who have trouble going low or exploding out of the bottom position. There’s nothing complicated about them. You simply pause at the lowest position in your squat and stay there for a 3 or 4 second count before recovering. Don’t do the counting yourself unless you train alone because you’ll always cheat. Have someone else do it and give you a clap when it’s time to recover. For lone trainers, a clock mounted in the right place will help avoid cheating or speedy seconds. Do pause squats with relatively light weights for high reps, say 10s and 12s, or heavier poundages for 5s.

For them to be helpful, you must go below parallel and concentrate on using your power pack to drive the bar upward, rather than recoiling out of the hole. Paused squats force you to stay extremely tight, which is critical when you’re attempting heavy weights, and they also help you to learn to maintain the correct posture throughout the lift.

I generally incorporate them into athletes’ programs in the form of one or more back-off sets of 10. One is usually enough for most people. 600 lb. squatters have crumpled to the floor after handling 315x10 on pauses. As with timed squats they teach you that you can still make those final reps even though you’re exhausted and all feeling has left your body. If I see lifters who are having lots of difficulty going deep, I have them do all their sets with a pause for 5 reps until they improve.

WIDE STANCE SQUATS are great for a change and are particularly beneficial for people who display a weakness in their adductors. If your knees turn in during a heavy squat or a heavy pull off the floor, your adductors are relatively weak and need some direct attention. Wide stance squats involve the adductors to large extent and are the very best way to strengthen that group if you don’t have an adductor machine available.

How wide should they be? At first move your feet out a bit to make sure that the wider stance doesn’t aggravate your hips or knees. It if doesn’t, gradually move them out as far as you can while still being able to go below parallel and maintain your balance.

Even if athletes don’t show any signs of adductor weakness, I still include some wide-stance squats in their program. On the light squat day I have them do two warmup sets, then three sets with the same weight. For example, 135, 225 and then 275 for 3 sets, all for 5 reps. They do the first set with 275 using their normal stance but move to a wide stance on the 2nd set and a narrow stance on the 3rd. Eventually, most are able to do the last set with their heels touching. It takes some time to master the balance. The slight variation in stance helps build a firmer base and ensures proportionate strength. It also makes the otherwise uninteresting light day more challenging and fun.

A program that many bodybuilders used to do, usually just before a contest. was NONSTOP SQUATS performed WITHOUT LOCKOUT at the top. They were screamers because your legs definitely let you know that they didn’t approve of your foolishness – but they were effective at eliminating unwanted fatty tissue in your legs and helping you to achieve more cuts. Moat bodybuilders who used them kept the reps high – 15s and 20s – and constantly pushed for higher weights. You can only do them for a short time, since they start wearing on your brain even more than your body.

Nonstop squats are excellent for someone who’s getting ready for ski season. Do them for three or four weeks, and you’ll be able to handle the toughest slopes. When you do them, just remember that if you stop, the set is over. The same goes for locking out. Find a number that you can perform correctly, and then build on it. These also work well as back-off sets. If you do them right, you should be spent when you finish.

Like everyone else, I sometimes find myself in a situation where I have very little in the way of equipment and have to improvise. On one occasion all I had was 100 pounds of plastic weights. So I did ULTRA-HIGH REP SQUATS, 2 sets of 80. They got the job done. I’ve also used dumbells for very high reps, and they were most effective. True, the tendons and ligaments aren’t involved to any great extent, which means that pure strength is not enhanced, but the basic lower body conditioning is. In some cases taking a break from pounding the attachments is a smart move. One thing I like about using dumbells for ultra-high rep squats is that once I’m exhausted, I can drop them. That isn’t an option when you have a bar on your back – at least not a good one.

You can use dumbell squats in addition to regular squats and do them on the days when you don’t go to the gym. Vary your stance and work them hard enough and you’ll find that they get your entire leg sore.

There’s a truism in strength training that the best program for you is the one that brings results. At the same time change is also helpful, so if you feel as if you’re ready for a break from what you’ve been doing, try one or more of the ideas I’ve presented. Somewhere down the line you’ll have the opportunity to teach someone else how to do one of these variations.

Travis Was Tough - Earle Liederman

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Elwood Holbrook

Travis Was Tough
by Earle Liederman

This happened about the year 1916 at Coney Island. I was connected with a sideshow there, and in it Warren Lincoln Travis did his strongman act about 10 to 12 times daily. Hence, I talked to him a lot, saw much of him also; and even tried to lift some of his weights during occasional intervals between his exhibitions. Warren was a rather nice sort of fellow but he had, it seemed to me, a sadistic propensity. He enjoyed making people wilt under his power. Many times I have seen him select a sunburn-faced fellow and coax him up onto the platform where his weights were, and after a few pleasant words with the fellow Travis would suddenly slap him vigorously and repeatedly on the sunburned back until the poor sap cringed and almost collapsed. Lotsa fun! – for Travis. If anyone could be called a backslapper, Travis was IT. Often his mighty arm behind his paw slapped a guy in friendly fashion, of course, so hard upon his back that it was enough to almost knock out all the poor guy’s bridgework. His high pitched, soft voice made one wonder if he were not one of those “gentle boys” who would scream when stepping on a cockroach. Yet, his roughness reminded me of a seven year old grizzly bear playing games. Travis had an ego, too!

At every performance he would flash a genuine $1,000 bill and offer it to anyone who could duplicate his lift of his global 110 lb. dumbell. He first showed the crowd how easily he could do it. After all, 110 pounds isn’t so heavy, and yet not one person ever succeeded in picking this weight up off the floor and putting it overhead with one arm. In the first place, the small handle was about 3” thick and defied the grip holding it even to shoulder level or less. It just slipped. However, I always suspected a trick. I think that Travis had a steel prong under his thick middle finger-ring, and the prong entered an almost hidden slot on the bell’s handle. How else? If so, it would certainly not be the first time this method was employed by a famous strongman. Travis’s hands were not very large ones.

But, back to his roughness. One time when both of us were at leisure, he suddenly pretended to show me how glad he was to see me (This didn’t make sense, as I had already been talking at length with him). He quickly grabbed my hand, swung me around and secured a double arm hold around my lower chest. He squeezed me so hard that he cracked three of my ribs. If anyone who has read this far has ever had a rib fractured, he may well appreciate the lingering sharp pains that followed for the next eight or nine weeks.

Ah yes! There was always six feet of space between him and me afterwards.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Cheating Exercises - Charles A. Smith

Larry Scott

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Cheating Exercises – Boon or Bunk
by Charles A. Smith (1960)

In this “without fear or favor” article, Charles Smith, world famous lifting author, makes his return to the Iron Game after several years absence.

In his funeral oration over the body of Julius Caesar, Shakespeare has Marc Antony tell the crowd he’s trying to incite to riot that “The evil men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones.” Now the Immortal Bard may have been a supreme student of human nature, yet I can’t agree with this particular piece of philosophy.

I believe that the exact reverse is true. Good always lives on and the mistakes a man makes are 99 out of 100 times forgotten. I’ve been out of this Game for a few years now, but during this period my good works have been kept alive by other authors who have not hesitated to use my ideas in their articles. And the number of times my old articles have been reprinted under other titles and bylines has also been a source of satisfaction to me. Those of my prognostications that flopped have mercifully – been forgotten.

That those writers who used my ideas, words and phrases conveniently forgot to mention the source of their material doesn’t matter so much now. What is important is this – that tho’ I’ve been out of the picture for a while, what small amount of good I previously have done has lived on.

I’m now working as a law enforcement officer – a Probation Officer – a field that is in some respects closely allied with the Iron Game. It is active – dynamically so – it is sometimes comic, sometimes tragic, sometimes revolting – but always a challenge.

One trait shared by those who come within Probation scope and certain members of the Iron Game is a total inability to face the truth, to escape from a nebulous dream world into the bright sunlight of reality.

What I’m referring to right now, insofar as the lifter and bodybuilder are concerned, is the so-called CHEATING PRINCIPLE and CHEATING EXERCISES. There are some “authorities” who will have you believe it’s a universal weightlifting cure-all – a rocket fast trip to any strength quality iron-slingers may desire. On the reverse side of the coin are those who do all they can to convince you that the principle and exercises have ruined more promising athletic careers than any combination of dope, dames and drink.

In this article let me help you sift fact from fiction and let you decide for yourself just who is right – and it isn’t too tough a job. Just keep an open mind, use your common sense and – if you don’t already possess it – acquire a superficial knowledge of the Iron Game’s history.

Let me make my stand right now and say that I’m all for the Cheating Principle. So far as I’m concerned there’s nothing wrong with it but two things – it’s name and the way it’s sometimes used, and I, and others in the Game who agree with me can produce facts and examples to substantiate our faith in it.

I now challenge any opponent of the Cheating Principle to produce one single valid argument, one single piece of evidence to show that a cheat version of any exercise has ever had an adverse effect – if used correctly and sensibly and moderately.

Look through any lifting or bodybuilding magazine. No matter what strength athletes’ photos grace the pages, you can be certain of one thing – each and every one of them used some form of the Cheating Principle to build his superb strength and development. Later on I’ll deal with a foregoing qualifying statement – “If used sensibly, correctly and moderately.” First let me put the opponents of the principle on the griddle.

Their main objections to the principle are somewhat vague, but are mainly confined to the following: “A cheating exercise never completely exercises a muscle.” “A cheating exercise is a poor movement for a lot of muscles.” “A cheating exercise is bad because it damages muscle tissue and destroys muscle tone.” All these claims are made without the slightest validity.

First let’s try to find out what’s “strict” and what’s “cheating”. I’ve been in the Iron Game for more years than some muscle magazine publishers have been in business. Way back in 1926, during my first weeks as a weight lifter, I listened to a lecture on strict versus cheating exercises, and I still cannot determine what the lecturer had in mind when he described these two qualities, for the simple reason that what was cheating then is considered strict now.

The best I can come up with is that the term “strict” applies to the way a lift should be performed according to the competition rules for that lift – plus the way some lifting officials interpret these rules during a lifting meet – and they can weave around the regulation like a drunk staggering down a straight chalk line for the benefit of arresting officers.

During my old British Amateur Weightlifting Association days there were two particular lifts in the book that even today entirely exemplify the difference between strict and cheating exercises – The Two Hands Clean and Military Press, and The Two Hands Clean and Push.

In the Military Press, the lifter was required to grip the bar with his hands not more than the width of his shoulders apart, knees locked, heels together, toes turned out at an angle of 45 degrees. The entire body from heels to top of the head had to be kept in a strictly military or erect position – no back bending – no knee bending – no hunching and heaving of shoulders – no sudden lowering of the bar and no sudden heaving it overhead – just a straight, strict military press – the weight keeping time to the slowly rising finger of the referee. If you think that Rudy Sablo, the late Charles Ramsey and Charles A. Smith were tough officials, you should have faced Messrs. Lowry, Lavender and Pullum.

Look at the way lifters press today. Not in the old style military press, but in almost exactly the way a weight was lifted in the lift known as the Two Hands Clean and Push. Any resemblance between the old style military press and the modern Olympic Press is imaginary. Today you can get away with weightlifting murder and, “in spite of the rules”. The old style cheating has become the modern “STRICT STYLE.” And is any modern lifter the worse for it? Are they weaker lifters than those of yesteryear? In a pig’s eye they are!

Records continue to rise and rise and rise and the end isn’t even in sight. Today’s fantastic predictions are tomorrow’s NEW WEIGHTLIFTING RECORDS. Only today, March 7th, 1960, I have read that a Russian lightweight, Anatoly Zhgun has made a new world record snatch record of 278.3 pounds. That’s more than the Olympic heavyweight champion, El Said Nosseir could snatch, way back in the late 20’s and early 30’s. And here’s a featherweight lifter – Russian Minaev, in the same report, pressing a new world’s record poundage of 264 – more than the fabulous middleweight Khadr El Touni pressed when he won the Olympic middleweight title in 1936. May I ask my former colleagues in the Metropolitan Weightlifting Committee to recall the time when I predicted that a featherweight would one day do just this. Some suggested that I must have been smoking a particularly potent pot of opium. Yet here we have a seemingly fantastic prediction now the new lifting record of TODAY.

Bantamweights are now totaling what heavyweights made 30 years ago. The little men have already gone 80 pounds and more beyond the record Olympic lightweight total made in the late ‘20’s when Haas and Helbig tied for the gold medal in the 149 lb. class with 697 odd. A lightheavy has already approached within a few pounds of the total once considered the ULTIMATE AGGREGATE FOR HEAVIES – 1000 pounds. Middleheavies are making mincemeat of the totals that brought heavyweights fame and acclaim nearly a decade ago. And all of these new titans of power have used some form of cheating exercises and all are cracking records left and right.

Take Kono, Ashman, Louis Martin, the George Brothers, Emrich, Vinci, Berger, Hepburn – the guy I coached to a world title in three years – Davis, Anderson, all the present crop of Russian champs, but why belabor the subject. Just look at the records of these men, then compare them with those of even ten years ago – those of the year 1950 – and try to den that there is no value in the Cheating Principle. All great strength athletes and record holders of today have used High Pullups, Hang Cleans, Hang Snatches, Bouncing Squats, Hopper Dead Lifts, Loose Style Presses, Continentals off a belt to the shoulders, and all boosted their power in what we call “STRICT LIFTS.”

So we can safely say that there is, really, no such thing as a “strict’ or “cheating” exercise, but just mere terms describing the way to perform exercises. For what was “Cheating” yesterday can be “Strict” tomorrow. And even the opinion as to what constitutes strict and cheating can change without the particular movement so tabbed losing the slightest value as a strength and muscle building exercise – “That which they call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

And we can safely say that there is no such thing as “a poor exercise for a lot of muscles” – that there is no exercise that fails to “completely exercise” a muscle – and Phys. Ed. majors will recognize this through the “All or none” law. Each and every exercise has a definite value according to the way it is used – intelligently or otherwise.

Now let’s return to the qualifying statement I used at the start of this article – “If used correctly, sensibly and moderately.” I well remember the reply I made to an indignant reader who had written in to the mag for which I then worked and had thoroughly knocked the bench press. I took the stand in my reply that actually no exercise could be blamed for any ill results that ensue from its use. It had to be the fault of the lifter using the exercise.

If a man with a ruptured appendix insists on eating a meal of pork chops, sauerkraut, beans and cream puffs, washed down with several bottles of beer, you don’t blame the meal for the man’s demise, you blame the man for being fool enough to eat it.

Each and every one of us writes his own ticket to wherever he wants to go. And so we alone are responsible for what we do. Thus we cannot blame this or that exercise or principle or advice for any ill effects that follow. A 4-time loser can no more blame the building he burglarizes for the life sentence he nets than a bodybuilder can blame a cheat curl for a ruptured biceps muscle.

Somewhere along the line the burglar and the bodybuilder MUST reach this one conclusion – they have only themselves to blame. The burglar for breaking and entering and the bodybuilder for trying to use too much weight or trying to work beyond his physical capabilities. When a man is tried for murder and found guilty, they send him to the chair, not the instrument with which he committed the crime. The MAN responsible takes the rap, not the instrument or exercise.

If those who condemn the Cheating Principle took care to investigate, they’d easily discover that cheating exercises have been used since the Dawn Years of the Iron Game. If Bent Presses, Side Presses, One and Two Hands Swings, Two Hands Anyhow Lifts, Continentals and Jerks aren’t loose lifting forms – in other words, cheating exercises – then I ain’t here and you’ve never existed.

Who discovered the Cheating Principle? Who really knows? Arthur Saxon used it. Eugen Sandow used it. Tommy Inch used it. Edward Aston used it. Josef Steinbach used it. Hermann Goerner used it. Karl Swoboda used it. George Hackenschmidt used it. Henry Steinborn used it. Francois Jean used it. Countless others before you and me and all the modern muscle building magazine editors and publishers were born, USED IT.

Way back in the late 1920’s, in Allen P. Meads’ London, England gym I was introduced to the cheating principle. Later I saw Cheat Curls used by Bert Assirati, the famous British Strongman wrestler. Those of you who keep copies of Iron Man will remember the article I wrote about Bert, also the “Questions and Answers” column written at the end of 1947, which finally appeared in the July, 1948, Vol. 8, No. 2 edition on page 34. Using Cheat Curls, Bert worked up to 15 reps with 200 pounds and his arms taped 19 ¼ cold. He was a real powerhouse.

The best results from this Q and A column came from an enthusiast named Russell Stoker who was kind enough to write me and say that he’d used every biceps exercise known but none of ‘em had given him the results nor the reactions he’d obtained with Cheat Curls. I still have his letter.

In one of the finest articles ever written on the subject of the Cheating Principle – “Is Strict Form a Must?” – by Walter G. Boucher, IRON MAN MAGAZINE, July 1957, Vol. 6, No. 5, p 22, Walt makes it clear to all who passed beyond 5th Grade that the principle is not a new way of exercising but was known years ago at the beginning of the 20th Century to the various authorities then living. Jowett, Calvert, Berry Liederman and other greats of their time used the principle as anyone reading their books and articles can see for himself.

Thus those who condemn the Cheating Principle are either fools or humorists or hypocrites. With all the evidence before them testifying to the benefits of the Cheating Principle they can’t be anything else. Let’s try and prove it. Let’s take the strictest possible way of raising a barbell with two hands to arm’s length overhead. Then let’s consider the claims made by the advocates of strict exercising that this – Strict – is the only way to work out.

The strictest, toughest way to lift a weight overhead to arm’s length is by using the lift known as the Forward Raise With Barbell. Place your back against a wall, Grip a barbell in your hands, arms at full downward stretch. Without moving your body away from the wall, keeping your arms rigidly straight throughout the lift, raise the bar forwards and up to arm’s length overhead.

If the advocates of strict exercises were sincere, this is the only exercise they’d use to raise a weight above the head. They’d forget about the snatching and jerking and pressing. After all, so far as they are concerned, the strictest movement is the best, so why don’t they use the strictest? But as each and every one of us knows, lifters and bodybuilders continue to use the Cheating Principle and every loose exercise form and none of ‘em suffer.

In what way can Cheating Exercises help a lifter improve his limit lifts, or a bodybuilder his muscular development? How is it possible for the loose style to help improve the strict? Each method compliments the other like eggs and bacon, cream and coffee, apple pie and ice cream.

Practice strict movements for a few weeks and you’ll find your loose or cheating poundages have improved. Return to cheating exercises and discover how you can handle pounds more in these. And not only will you improve your physical power so that you can handle heavier weights in “strict” competition form, but you’ll also develop a peculiar mental strength described by British lifter Jim Halliday as a “contempt for poundages” or what I like to call a superb self-confidence. Take this as an example – handling heavy poundages off a belt in the Continental to the Shoulders makes you less afraid to try your limit in the Orthodox Clean.

If you come across any “new” principle or exercise, the only way to handle it is by the empirical or “trial and error” method. Thus the results obtained determine the value of the principle or exercise for you. If well meaning friends warn you against using cheating exercises, but you go ahead and use them, and if the results are better than any others you have obtained, then the Cheating Principle so far as YOU are concerned is TERRIFIC.

And, as I’ve said, there’s nothing wrong with the Cheating Principle – only it’s name and the way it’s used. Take the name. If you think a little, it figures. And I shall, in all future articles call it by the name Joe Assirati and I originally called it back in 1934 – FREE STYLE EXERCISE. But call it what you will, you won’t detract one iota from its value. It’s a TERRIFIC power, speed, definition and stamina building principle. Only its misuse can cause trouble, and the same goes for any exercise or principle – or for that matter any innovation.

Well, it’s great to be back, great to be writing for you all again. And if you want to drop me al line I’m right here at 4807 Shoalwood Avenue, Austin, Texas.

And may the Great Architect of the Universe keep you safely and guide your footsteps along the straight and narrow path.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Explosive Strength & Power - C.S. Sloan

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Explosive Strength and Power
by C.S. Sloan

For many bodybuilders strength is simply a means to an end – a by-product of larger, shapelier muscles. For the strength athlete, powerlifter, Olympic lifter or power bodybuilder, however, it’s the alpha, omega and everything between. Sure, you might gain plenty of muscle to go along with your strength, but that’s not what really matters to you. Strength is everything.

Thumb through any recent muscle mag and you’re guaranteed to find articles on nutrition, training and supplementation for gaining new muscle size. You probably won’t find much, if anything, that deals with pure strength training, though. And that’s a real shame.

What follows is a strength program geared toward increasing your numbers on the three powerlifts. It’s aimed mainly at lifters who train mainly for strength; however, if you crave muscle before strength, you won’t be able to deny the benefits of strength training on the big three lifts for adding muscle mass that’s as powerful as it is large.

This program includes two cycles. Use the first one for at least 8 weeks before switching to the second.


This is a 3 days a week program. You train each of the major lifts – and the assistance exercises – once a week and take a day off between sessions. Just make sure you take two days off after your final session of the week.


The first session of the week works the squat and the muscles associated with it. You focus on increasing your strength through heavy neural training – performing 1 to 5 reps with 80 t0 95% of your one-rep max, and explosive neural work with lighter loads.

Bottom Position Squat – 5-6 sets of 2.
You start the session off with increasingly heavy doubles until you work up to two all-out reps on your last set. Start the lift from the bottom position, no partial reps. Even if you’ve been going deep on traditional squats, you’re going to be surprised how hard it is to do the lift when you begin from a dead stop at a deep position. Just remember – the harder you work, the more you’ll gain. For your first set use the empty bar for 2 reps. After that add weight on each successive set until you reach the maximum you can handle for 2 good reps. Take long rests between the last sets and try for a new record one the last one whenever possible.

Explosive-rep Squats – 9 sets of 3.
After you’ve recuperated from your heavy bottom squat doubles, perform regular squats with a weight that’s approximately 50 to 60% of your one-rep max. Lower the weight for a count of two seconds, and then explode out of the hole as hard and as fast as possible. Perform 3 sets with a medium stance, 3 sets with a close stance, and 3 sets with a wide stance. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets, less is better. Remember – slow down, explode up. Think of yourself as a spring being compressed and let loose.

Front Squats – 3 sets of 6.
Take another rest after completing the explosive-rep squats and move on to front squats and move on to front squats. Use a heavy weight on these, one with which it’s nearly impossible to get six reps on the first set. Once you can perform 3 sets of 6 reps with the same weight, add poundage at the next squat workout.

Weighted Crunches – 3 sets of 10.
If you want a strong squat, it’s vital that you have strong abdominals. Use as much weight as possible; your goal is to reach muscular failure on the 10th rep while maintaining good form.


Flat Bench Press Complexes – Superset – 3 sets of 2x90% 1RM / 3 sets of 2x60% 1 RM.
Warm up on the flat bench press with several progressively heavier sets of two reps. Once you reach a weight that’s approximately 90% of your one-rep max, perform 1 set of 2 reps. Strip some weight off the bar so you’re down to 60% of one-rep max and immediately do another set of 2 reps. Pause for one second on your chest and then explode to lockout.
After the first complex set rest 4 to 5 minutes and repeat, continuing until you 3 complex sets. Shoot for 2 reps on each 90% set. Once you can manage the 2 reps on all 3 sets, add weight at the next workout.

Close Grip Bench Presses – 3 sets of 5.
After your last explosive bench set take a good rest, then load some weight on the bar for your next exercise, the close grip bench press. If you feel warmed up, jump directly into your first heavy set. If not, perform 2 progressively heavier fives, building up to your work-set weight. It should be extremely difficult to complete 5 reps, but you should get them. On the next two sets you will probably drop by one rep each set. Stick with the same weight at each workout until you can do 5 reps on all 3 sets.

Lying Barbell Extensions – 4 sets of 8.
Once you’ve completed the close-benches take a good rest and prepare for some direct triceps work. Most people’s weak link on the bench press is triceps strength and power. For that reason you do lying extensions before shoulder work.
Pick a weigh that you’d usually use for about 10 reps and go for 4 sets of 8, resting no more than a minute between sets.

Narrow Grip Dips – 4 sets of 8.
Rest a few minutes and perform 4 sets of 8 with no more than a minute’s rest between sets.

Plate Front Raises – 3 sets of 15.
Grab a 45 lb. plate, or whatever you can handle for the required reps, and grind out 3 sets of 15 reps to strengthen your front delts.

Standing Presses – 3 sets of 10.
You won’t be performing bench work for another week, so there’s no reason to hold back on these. Work hard.


At your final session of the week before two rest days, you concentrate on strengthening your deadlift, though it works the muscles associated with the squat as well. You also get the benefits of heavy lat work which will help strengthen the bottom portion of your bench press.

Deadlifts – 2 to 6 sets of 1.
This highly effective method of training deadlifts has been around for many years and was favored by such old-timers as Mark Berry, J.C. Hise and Doug Hepburn.
At your first Day-3 session do progressively heavier singles until you reach a weight that’s approaching 90-95% of your one-rep max. Don’t calculate this, you’ll know it when you lift it. It should be a weight with which you can only get 2 singles. Add one singe at each session until you can perform 6 singles. Then add more weight at the next workout and start the process over again. Adding just one single each session may not seem like much – until you try it.

Round-back Good Mornings – 5 sets of 3.
In my view – and the view of others like Bill Starr – this is the best lower back exercise there is. Work this one hard, and you can bet that your deadlift and squat poundages will increase.
Warm up with as many sets of progressively heavier sets of 3 as it takes, and follow with 3 sets of 3 done with your work weight. Play it on the safe side with these. If you have any back issues with round-back lifting then go with the arched-back or seated version.

Bentover Rows – 5 sets of 5.
Use the same warmup and work-set scheme as you did on the previous exercise, but perform sets of 5’s.

Weighted Crunches – 3 sets of 10.
As with workout 1, perform 3 heavy sets so you reach muscular failure on or around the 10th rep.
Use all-out intensity on this 3 day a week program for the recommended 8 to 10 weeks and you can expect some good gains. After that it’s time for the second cycle.


This is a 4 days a week program. It incorporates heavy neural work and explosive work, as the first cycle did, but it uses varied repetition patterns and plyometrics in order to bring you additional strength on the three powerlifts.

You definitely want to take two days of rest at the end of your workout week on this one. The most obvious schedule is to train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and take Wednesday and the weekend off. Alternately, some people find they do better if they take two days off after every two days of training. Try the first version at the beginning and determine for yourself what works best in your situation. As with any routine, make whatever adjustments are necessary to make progress.


The first session of this cycle works the bench press, as well as the muscles that assist the movement, with dynamic reps.

Explosive Rep Bench Presses – 6 sets of 3x60% 1RM.
Warm up with a couple of light (but not explosive) sets using an empty bar, and then a light weight that’s less than your 60% one-rep max. Load the bar with your 60% poundage and do 6 sets of 3. Lower the bar faster but under control, pause on your chest for a one-second count and then explode back to lockout.
Don’t let the speed of the bar drop as the sets progress. In fact, try to increase the speed as you move up in sets. The sixth set should be as fast as, if not faster than, your first set. Rest only 30 seconds between sets.

Plyometric Decline Pushups – 4 sets of 5.
Perform these with your feet elevated on a bench. Explode off the floor as hard as possible on each rep. Once again, move quickly on every rep.

Close Grip Lockouts – 5 sets of 5.
Get in the power rack and set the pins so you’ll be performing the last few inches of the bench press movement. Do 2 warmup sets of 5, and then 3 sets of 5 all-our repetitions.

Standing Behind the Neck Presses – 5 sets of 5.
Use the set and rep scheme listed for the close grip lockouts. Even though you do these from a standing position, don’t make the movement a push press. Let your shoulders perform the brunt of the work.

Cuban Presses – 3 sets of 10.
This exercise is great for strengthening your front delts and rotator cuff muscles. To get the feel of the movement and perfect the technique, warm up with an empty bar.

give an explanation of the exercise.


This session works the squat and deadlift with explosive neural work as well as several assistance exercises.

Alternate: Squat/Deadlift – 8 sets of 3.
Warm up with progressively heavier squats and deadlifts. Once you feel your body is ready, load the squat bar with a weight you’d normally use for 6 to 8 reps. Do the same with another bar for the deadlift.
Perform 8 sets of 3 on both exercises, alternating them with no more than 2 minutes rest between sets. Concentrate on exploding on every rep. Don’t worry about adding weight consistently; instead, concentrate on increasing your explosive power. It’s okay if your explosiveness starts to dwindle on the last couple of alternating sets. Just stick with the same weight until you can really power up all 16 sets.

Hyperextensions – 3 sets of 20.
Here’s another good lower back exercise to help strengthen your squat and deadlift. 3 sets of 20 reps should be plenty.

Weighted Crunches – 3 sets of 10.
Do these as described in Cycle 1.


Bottom Position Bench Presses – 2 to 6 sets of 1.
Use the set and rep scheme listed for deadlifts on day 3 of cycle 1. Make sure you set the pins as close as possible to your chest and assume the same bottom position as that used in your full bench press.

Incline Bench Presses -3 sets of 3.
Take a good rest after the bottom position benches. On the incline bench, perform as many 3 rep warmup sets as necessary, then load the bar with a weight you think you can use for 4 or 5 reps and perform 3 sets of 3.

Close Grip Bench Press – 3 sets of 5.
After a few warmup sets perform 3 hard sets. When you get 5 reps on all three sets with a constant weight, increase the poundage.

Barbell Curls – 3 sets of 5.
As above.


The last workout of the week is a maximum intensity lower back and leg session that utilizes different rep ranges to work the squat and deadlift, plus some assistance exercises.

Squats – 2 sets of 7, 5 or 3.
For this cycle you use different rep ranges during different weeks. For the first 2 weeks do 2 sets of 7 reps. During the 3rd and 4th weeks do 2 sets of 5, and on the 5th and 6th weeks perform 2 sets of 3. For the 7th and 8th weeks of the cycle go back to 2 sets of 7, using more weight than you used in the first 2 weeks. If you include a 9th and 10th week in your cycle, do the same with the 2 five-rep sets.
Since you only do 2 work sets, make sure you push each one hard.

Deadlifts – 2 sets of 7, 5 or 3.
As above. If you prefer, perform the deadlifts first or alternate each week, however, this will have an effect on how much weight you can handle for each lift.

Overhead Squats – 3 sets of 5.
With the bar locked out over your head, perform 3 sets of 5 reps, squatting as deep as possible. Be sure to do a couple of warmup sets, and make the work sets WORK sets.

Seated Good Mornings – 3 sets of 10.
Here’s a good lower back exercise that’s not quite as intense as the three previous exercises – perfect for a finishing movement. Do them as you would regular, arched-back good mornings, but do them seated on a box or bench.

Hanging Leg Raises – 3 sets of 10.
Once again the last exercise is for your abs. Don’t ever skip the ab exercises as they’re essential for continued progress on your squats and deadlifts.


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